September 27


How to Get the Automotive Dunnage That You Need

By Steve Melito

September 27, 2017

automotive dunnage, automotive packaging, automotive rack bags

Do you enjoy a good story? Then kick back, relax, and learn how a designer of automotive dunnage got the rack bags that he needed. Patrick isn’t a real person, but this storybook character faced challenges that are all too real. Can you relate to them?

Meet Patrick

Patrick the packaging engineer designed an automotive rack bag for a new line of vehicles. He took pride in his work, so he asked Sarah the Sourcing Manager to help him identify some potential manufacturers. She gave him a list of automotive dunnage suppliers and suggested some Internet research.

Patrick wanted to work with the best vendor, but what did “best” really mean? As he looked at websites, he felt overwhelmed. All those phone calls from salespeople didn’t help either. Every rack bag manufacturer wanted his business, but Patrick wanted a partner who really understood his requirements.

Is a vendor with the lowest purchase price always the best? “Not necessarily”, Patrick told himself. Maintenance and repair costs can really add up. If the total cost of ownership got too high, the Finance Department would blame him for making a poor choice – and that wouldn’t be good for Patrick’s career.

How Hold-True Helped

That’s when Patrick contacted Hold-True and described the automotive rack bags that he wanted. Hold-True asked him about his requirements, and that led to a discussion about what the packaging engineer really needed. Patrick had never heard of analog design before, but Hold-True explained how there’s more to designing a rack back than what’s on a computer screen.

Based on Patrick’s requirements, Hold-True suggested a rack bag that was puncture-resistant and easy-to-clean. The pockets wouldn’t sag, the seams wouldn’t fail, and the materials would resist both rain and sunlight. Hold-True also helped the packaging engineer think about return on investment (ROI), quality, and sustainability. In short, Patrick received clear direction about details he hadn’t even considered.

Hold-True then asked Patrick to send them his CAD files and some sample auto parts with Class A surfaces. In return, Patrick got a prototype rack bag that he could show to his company – and that would prove the soundness of his design. Hold-True worked with Patrick on several iterations, and the packaging engineer eventually approved a final design.

The Best Automotive Dunnage

Patrick’s company paid more for rack bags up-front, but ultimately saved money because sewn fabric dunnage from Hold-True lasts longer and is easier-to-clean and maintain. The Finance Department approved of Patrick’s decision, but he’s also an Engineering hero on the shop floor. Instead of replacing worn bags or searching for replacement parts that aren’t scratched, assemblers work more efficiently.

Are you a packaging engineer who’s looking for a design and manufacturing partner? The solution you need is available right here in the real-world. Hold-True is a Made in the USA manufacturer that can supply the automotive dunnage you need. If you’re ready to talk to a member of our team, please contact us.

Update: Hold-True will be at the Automotive Packaging Summit in Greenville, South Carolina in October.

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